Persian shield

Dagny's anathema
1 min readDec 2, 2021

The wit, banter, sarcasm, and reaching into the soul disdainfully. The undeniable chemistry over sushi, the weirdness of the night with surprise visitors and endless conversations. And it’s 4.30am.

A repeat. With more heat. An escape with an excuse of an 8am. A third, a stay over, an ease and an offer to go away. Distance. Messages. Calls. Video calls. A final push and a flight moved up by a day.

Shared rooms. Bathrooms. Showers. Intimacy. Care. More conversations. Meals. Games. Meeting friends. A run. Nurturing. Laughter.

A stolen Donna. Extra concern. Check ins. Tenderness.

Road trip. Music. Familiarity. Hand fed. Pump up. Thoughts of stretching it longer.

Plan with an ex. For the evening. Half way there.

Emptiness. Common plans. Video calls. Early returns. Date nights. Conversations. Laughter. 5 am.

A given. Intimacy. A want.

Disappearance. Dismissal. Detachment.

When the going gets good…. A bye. Unquestioned acceptance. A last kiss. A last hug.

A hasty exit.



Dagny's anathema

Don’t Walk Around When You Can Cut Straight Across.